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Construction Site Monitoring :

Place : Nong Kae Railway Station (สถานีรถไฟหนองแก, จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์)

Survey Date: August, 2020 / September, 2021

With our services to monitor site construction progress, we employ low altitude flight (UAV) to capture all site details in higher image resolution mode, This helps project engineers including owners to catch up their construction status daily. This service is ready to be served under accuracy constraint. 

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Properties Survey along Railroad:

Place : KM.251+000  (หลัก กม. ที่ 251+000 แนวรถไฟสายธนบุรี-สุไหงโกลก )

Survey Date: September, 2021

Orthophoto is produced with 1.5cm of GSD. With photogrammetry technique, Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) are obviously delivered.  Ground positioning is relevant to CORS GNSS Network which provides through Department of Land. Finally, the property map along the tracks can be extracted and revealed to committee for further consideration and management. 

Orthophoto                                           DSM                                                   DTM

corridor surveying

Morphological Engineering:

Regarding DTM, contour line with its 10cm interval can be yielded. This data is not only valuable for survey engineer in site measurement, but also give a depth level of details (LOD) for other specialists in terms of slope protection, land degradation and plant allocation. With our precise and accurate surveying methods, the outcome is very reliable.      

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Digital Terrain Model, DTM
10-cm contour line from DTM

Correlation Survey

Looking by eyes may not enough to verify your project coverage, some man-made objects including above or underground may need to be informed evidently.  Geographic coordinates is a solution to let project manager even owner to understand their site well. Complicated area with various infrastructures need to be carefully mapped. We are ready to share our experiences with your team.

correlation survey

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